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Family Support Fundraising Grief & Loss Special Programs volunteers
Gabrielle and the Five Boro Bike Tour
Gabrielle has proudly served Ronald McDonald House New York as its Community Engagement Manager on the Family Support Team for the last two years. But secretly, she moonlights as a volunteer fundraiser and participant in the 5 Boro Bike Tour in her spare time. Learn how Gabrielle has made fundraising for the House through the bike tour a family affair... and does it all without ever owning a bike.
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Elmhurst Hospital Holidays Special Programs Wellness Programs
Celebrating Great Leaders Past and Present
Black History Month is one of the many special moments throughout February that RMH-NY focuses on and each department seems to own a unique celebration technique. Since we celebrated in so many ways, here is a round-up of how Ronald McDonald House New York celebrated Black History Month in 2024.
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Families Family Stories News Special Programs Wellness Programs
A Night to Remember at Yankee Stadium: Oliver's Story
This is the story of a beautiful, young family on a journey to heal their child… and meet the Yankees.
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