Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Spotlight: Meet Emanuel

Watch Emanuel and his family's story now!

Emanuel and his family’s journey through pediatric cancer brought them face to face with unimaginable challenges. Like many other families navigating similar crises, they discovered that the support they needed extended far beyond medical care.

Emanuel and Valeria, the ninth and tenth reindeer in Santa's team.

Emanuel, the great

In a place far, far from home, Ronald McDonald House New York (RMH-NY) became their sanctuary, providing not only a place to stay but also a real sense of comfort and a tangible community that allowed them to focus on their son Emanuel's health. For families like his, RMH-NY is more than just temporary housing—it's a vital part of their process back to health, offering them the resources plus the emotional and economic support necessary to navigate their son's treatment.

The Osteosarcoma Diagnosis Catalyst 

Emanuel's Extended Family in Paraguay gathered at the airport to say goodbye to Marco, Vivian and Emanuel.

Emanuel's family—his dad Marco, his mom Vivian, and his sister, Valeria—hail from Paraguay. Their daily life in Paraguay was typical of a close-knit family. They lived in a comfortable home with a large yard, shared by two dogs and a cat. Marco works in their pizzeria, a family-run business that kept them busy, especially in the evenings. Emanuel and his sister, like many their age, spent their days attending school, participating in soccer and dance practices, and singing in the church choir.

Life was basically perfect until suddenly one day it wasn't.

Mom and Dad comfort Emanuel in the middle of treatment.

Emanuel's hope never left. Even in the darkest hour, his thumbs up attitude was amazingly consistent.

Emanuel with family in Paraguay.

The family's world was shattered when Emanuel was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a cancer developed in the bone and soft tissues. After many rounds of chemotherapy and a successful bone transplant surgery at the Children's Pediatric Hospital of Acosta Nu, Emanuel was back at school, slowly beginning to get back to normal life now that the cancer was gone.

The Chemotherapy Didn't Take

However, only months later, Emanuel's mom and dad noticed another strange growth in his left leg. An MRI confirmed their worst fears. The cancer was back, but this time it had already infiltrated the muscles, soft tissue and his lungs. The shock of the second diagnosis was overwhelming, but the family resolved to do whatever was necessary to get Emanuel the best possible treatment. The first option had been treatment provided in Paraguay, near their home. Now, since the chemotherapy did not take or seem to help Emanuel get better, Marco and Vivian made an important choice to seek new alternative treatments far from their life in Paraguay. 

Ultimately, this decision proved to make all the difference in Emanuel’s fight against cancer and led them to Ronald McDonald House New York, where they have been living since Mother's Day as he undergoes treatment at Weill Cornell Medicine with the help of the Paraguayan Chancellor's Office in NYC.

A New Outlook on Treatment Far from Home

Very soon after being to Weill Cornell hospital, his team of doctors and medical attendants made the decision that Emanuel's leg would need to be amputated in order to cut off the cancer and receive the best chance of beating the disease once and for all. 

Shocked and saddened, but confident they were receiving the absolute best possible care in the world, Emanuel and his parents prepared for the amputation with a celebration of the fight his leg fought with the cancer for the previous two years of his life. With the help of the pediatric team at the hospital, Emanuel was prepared for battle, thankful for the opportunity to continue to fight and rid his body of the cancer once and for all. 

On May 30th, 2024, Emanuel lost his left leg.

One week after the surgery, Emanuel's smile had been fully restored. Standing tall on one leg, Emanuel felt stronger and more motivated than ever.

Emanuel one week after his amputation.

The best part was that he would soon get to leave the hospital and join his parents staying at Ronald McDonald House New York as he continued his recovery.

Finding a New Home at RMH-NY

Emanuel playing the piano in the living room at Ronald McDonald House New York.

Emanuel winning every level in the playroom at Ronald McDonald House New York.

Emanuel and Mom in the playroom at RMH-NY.

When Emanuel's family first arrived at RMH-NY, they were unsure of what to expect. The journey from Paraguay to New York City was daunting enough, but the uncertainty of their new surroundings added to their anxiety. However, their fears were quickly allayed upon arrival.

“The first day we got here, it was incredible,” Marco recalls in his second language, English. “The place they had prepared for us was comfortable and nice. We met the staff and some volunteers, and everything was very, very nice. We felt contented, even though we were going through such a difficult time. Finding a place that we could call home for a while made all the difference.”

Emanuel salivates over dinner in the dining room at Ronald McDonald House New York.

Emanuel chows down on some kebob treats on 4th of July on the 3rd Floor Terrace.

Emanuel's infectious smile makes everyone around him light up.

The warm welcome they received from the RMH-NY staff and volunteers helped the family feel at ease. The volunteers, who dedicate their time and energy to making the house a comforting place, quickly became a crucial part of their support system. “From the beginning, we felt very accompanied by everyone,” Marco remembered. “The volunteers are always very kind and attentive, and they are always willing to give their best for us and all the families here.”

A Day in the Life at Ronald McDonald House New York


For Emanuel's family, a typical day at RMH-NY is one filled with a balance of medical appointments, moments of relaxation, and the comfort of a supportive community. On days without appointments, they take advantage of the respite the House provides. They enjoy the meals provided, and when they miss the flavors of home, they cook together, sharing meals with other Paraguayan families staying at the House. In the afternoons, they often watch movies, visit nearby parks, and participate in the House's many activities.

4th of July

One of the highlights of their stay so far was the Fourth of July celebration, an event that left a lasting impression on the entire family. The celebration lasted from dawn until dusk. Yonker's Fire and the NYPD  celebrated at the House, preparing an incredible bar-b-que feast for everyone in the House before  the families were loaded up and driven to the Hudson River to their front-row seat for the biggest fireworks celebration in the nation. 

“We participated in almost all the events because they are all very fun and help us spend a lot of time together,” Marco says. “But the most enjoyable activity was when the firefighters and police officers came to close off the street, and then they escorted us to see the fireworks on the Fourth of July. It was really a great day.”

With friends from the House in Central Park, NYC.

Families from the House enjoy an afternoon in the park. 

These moments of joy and normalcy are what make RMH-NY such a vital resource for families like Emanuel's. Staying at the House allows them to focus on what truly matters—their child's health—while also creating cherished memories during a difficult time.

The Family Reunited

Valeria shows off a new craft she assembled in the RMH-NY playroom.

Celebrating Emanuel's 8th Birthday in Central Park

With other families in the playroom at Ronald McDonald House New York.

So many friends to be made at Ronald McDonald House New York.

When Marco and Vivian first made the decision to seek treatment for Emanuel in the United States, the pieces to his treatment fell into place quickly. Marco, Vivian, and Emanuel quickly travelled to New York City, but did not get to bring with them everything that they needed on their initial trip. Most importantly, their youngest, Valeria, had stayed behind in Paraguay to finish the school year at home with her friends and in the care of family.


Marco and Vivian knew the minute that Emanuel’s surgeries were successful and treatment was moving in the right direction, and they could breathe that Valeria would join them in NYC.  And she did.  Even before the summer was out, less than three months after the family’s initial arrival at the House, Marco was able to travel back to Paraguay, collect Emanuel’s little sister, and unite the family once again under the Ronald McDonald House New York rooftop. July 26th was a very good day for Emanuel and the entire family!

Vivian spoke about Valeria joining the family, "Even though this has put our life on hold, we are here in a country that is where we never thought we would be. Let alone that our son would be undergoing treatment here in this country. And we are grateful and happy and even more so because we are all together. And it's the only place, this house helped us to be able to bring our daughter as well. Because first we came with Emanuel and now we are all together. In, in a home. And thank you."

To continue to stay together as a family, Valeria and Emanuel started school together in NYC this fall. School was arranged for them by the Family Support Team at the House.

Grateful Hearts and a Stronger Faith

Fourth of July Fireworks with the Family

Just like making educational arrangements for kids, the support that RMH-NY provides goes beyond just accommodation and meals. And for Emanuel's family, it has been a source of emotional and spiritual strength as well. “We are immensely grateful to the house for everything, for making this whole process easier for us,” Marco says. “In other circumstances, it would have been very difficult for us to give Emanuel the economic and emotional support that he needs.”

This sense of gratitude is deeply intertwined with their faith, which has been a cornerstone of their journey. “In all this journey that we started with Emanuel’s cancer, we feel a divine presence in our lives every step of the way,” Marco reflects. This spiritual and emotional support has been a crucial element in helping them navigate the ups and downs of their son's treatment.


Treatment with a view is definitely a plus!

The House’s ability to take care of everything, from transportation to accommodation, has allowed the family to focus solely on Emanuel’s care. Knowing that these needs are met has been a tremendous relief, allowing them to be present for Emanuel in every way possible.

Words of Advice for New Families


As they reflect on their time at RMH-NY, Emanuel's family had some words of wisdom for other families who might find themselves in a similar situation. “Everything is going to be all right,” Marco advises new families. “They’re (RMH-NY) going to take care of everything. We feel contained here, and sometimes when you arrive, you don’t know what’s going to happen or how things will be. But when someone comes in and says, ‘You know, everything is going to be fine,’ it really is true. They’re going to take care of your family.”

This message of reassurance is one that the family hopes will bring comfort to others. The unknown can be terrifying, especially when it involves a child's health, but RMH-NY provides a safety net that allows families to focus on the battle at hand.

A Heartfelt Message to Donors

Dinner at the House with new friends in the 2nd floor dining room at the House

Emanuel and his family’s journey has been profoundly impacted by the generosity of donors who support RMH-NY. Without this support, families like theirs would face even greater challenges during an already difficult time. “We are very grateful for the opportunity to stay here and to be able to continue Emanuel’s treatment from this place,” Marco says. “The people who work here and the families who share this journey with us have made all the difference.”

Emanuel's been pumpin' some iron. look at those muscles!

Treats during treatment.

To the donors, Marco offers a heartfelt thank you: “Your support means everything to us. You are helping us get through the worst times, and we are forever grateful. May God bless you for your kindness and generosity.”

A Paraguayan Language Lesson

Emanuel, Valeria and friend in Paraguay.

Sincerity and genuine gratitude poured out of Marco, Vivian and their children, thinking about donors who have made the financial sacrifice that allows them to stay at Ronald McDonald House New York and focus on Emanuel and his treatment. They decided that just saying ‘thank you’ in Spanish and English was not enough and they wanted to showcase their gratitude in all the languages of Paraguay.

Technically, there are 19 languages derived from indigenous cultures spoken in Paraguay, but let’s just focus on two co-official languages that are used by most Paraguayans: Spanish and Guarani.

Brother and Sister time at home in Paraguay.

Out to eat with those we love the most!

Summer fun in the sun at home with friends!

To get to a place where Marco could say thank you in Guarani, he first presented some background and context. He explained that while Spanish is spoken is most metropolitan areas and Guarani mainly reserved for rural areas of the nation, that most Paraguayans have mixed the languages together to speak a hybrid of the two.

So, now that it is known that Spanish is not the only leader of the language clubs in Paraguay, Marco and Vivian would like to say something to Ronald McDonald House New York donors in their native tongue, Guarani:

"Orẽ corazõ mbytete guive, AGUYJE!

Translated into English:

From the bottom of our hearts, Thank You!

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: A Time to Reflect and Act

Right now, during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, Emanuel and his family’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of supporting families facing pediatric cancer. RMH-NY provides not just a place to stay, but a community, a home, and a source of strength. The impact of this support cannot be overstated—it is a lifeline for families who are battling for their child's life.

The Best of Emanuel 

This month, as we raise awareness and funds for pediatric cancer, let us remember Emanuel's family and the countless others who rely on RMH-NY at this very moment to assist in saving their kid from the clutches of cancer.

Every donation, every volunteer hour, and every act of kindness makes a difference. Together, we can ensure that no family faces this journey alone.

Ronald McDonald House New York is the Spark

Family fun in NYC

Emanuel's family’s journey is and has been a very special time for each of the family members. Though the pathway would sometimes shed little light to help illuminate the way safely, the family’s deep sense of faith, love for each other, and a determination to bring their boy, Emanuel, back to perfect health, lit that pathway as bright as the Las Vegas Strip.  

They have found a home away from home at RMH-NY, and through the support of this incredible community, they are able to focus on what truly matters: Emanuel’s health and well-being.

Emanuel's family have found a true home away from home in their room at RMH-NY.

As we honor Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, let us commit to continuing this vital work, so that every family can find the comfort and support they deserve in their time of greatest need.

Donate to Ronald McDonald House New York today.

Da Esperanza

Give to Ronald McDonald House New York and directly impact families in need.


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