Empowering Communities and Building Futures

A Year with AmeriCorps at Ronald McDonald House New York

The 2023-24 RMH-NY AmeriCorps Community Health Team

 In a metropolitan area like New York City, where healthcare needs intersect with the everyday challenges of everyday working families living in the big city, a remarkable tale is unfolding at Ronald McDonald House New York (RMH-NY).

Kathleen Lopez, Community Health Manager at RMH-NY is most certainly this story’s leading character. She has spent the last two years building and shaping the transformative role of the AmeriCorps Program in driving community health initiatives for underserved families across NYC for Ronald McDonald House New York.

RMH-NY Community Health Managing Guru, Kathleen Lopez

While leading the efforts, Kathleen wears a second professional hat every day, tasked with the responsibility of also teaching and mentoring every member of the AmeriCorps program on how to do what she does in the field five days a week. Each year, RMH-NY accepts only a select few that represent the House and earn invaluable credit and knowledge serving as members of Kathleen’s team.

This is their story.


Unveiling AmeriCorps: The Foundation of Public Service

AmeriCorps, a hallmark of national service, mobilizes volunteers to address critical community needs. Its mission spans across various sectors, including education, public safety, health, and the environment. At RMH-NY, AmeriCorps has become an integral part of the organization’s strategic growth initiative and its efforts to support more local NYC families facing health crises, providing a platform for dedicated individuals to make a profound impact on community well-being.
Brothers working with Community Health and visiting the House for a Back-to-School giveaway and outdoor bar-b-que. 

Volunteer Benefits and Support: AmeriCorps offers several benefits to its volunteers, creating a robust support system for those who commit to a year of service:

  1. Living Allowance: Volunteers receive a financial stipend to cover living expenses. This allowance will assist in ensuring that volunteers can focus on their service without the distraction of financial strain.
  2. Professional Training: AmeriCorps provides comprehensive training that equips volunteers and skills relevant to public service. This training is not only crucial for their immediate roles but also valuable for their future careers.
  3. Education Award: Upon completing their service, members earn an education award that can be used to further their education or repay student loans. This award underscores the program’s commitment to the personal and professional growth of its participants.

    Community Health Objectives

    A family in our Community Health System waits for Bar-b-Que time at the House.

    Community Health Team Goals: The primary objective of RMH-NY’s Community Health Team is to extend comprehensive support to families, particularly those managing chronic health conditions. This support includes:

    1. Assistance with Chronic Conditions: Helping families navigate challenges associated with chronic health issues such as sickle cell disease, Down syndrome, autism, and asthma.
    2. Community Support and Advocacy: Providing families with tools and resources to advocate for their health and well-being.
    3. Health First Partnership: Collaborating with Health First to provide a monthly list of 500 members, ensuring that families receive proper healthcare and addressing social determinants of health like food, housing, and transportation.
    4. Elmhurst Pilot Program: Working with the pediatric clinic at Elmhurst to assess and address the immediate needs of children aged 6-18 through doctor referrals.
      A local NYC family working with our Community Health Team currently.

      Kathleen Lopez: Leading with Purpose and Passion

      Kathleen Lopez’s role as the Community Health Manager at RMH-NY is both dynamic and multifaceted. She is not only responsible for overseeing the AmeriCorps Program but also actively engages in community health work, setting an example for her team. Her leadership style blends direct involvement with strategic oversight, embodying the principles of service and dedication.

      Balancing Multiple Roles

      Kathleen and her Inaugural Community Health Team 2022-23

      Lopez’s day-to-day responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks, from managing AmeriCorps operations to directly engaging with families. Her approach to balancing these roles is both pragmatic and inspiring.

      "I am still running actual AmeriCorps, because AmeriCorps has its own guidelines, including specific trainings every year. Recruitment is a job in itself for AmeriCorps," Lopez explains.

      With the assistance of the HR team at RMH-NY, her role requires her to navigate complex guidelines, conduct recruitment, and ensure that new members are well-prepared for their service.

      In the last week of August, Kathleen and the Community Health Team had the first Back-to-School Family Bar-b-Que for local NYC families engaged with RMH-NY community health services.

      Lopez’s commitment to her dual role is evident in her approach to leadership. She combines teaching with hands-on involvement, providing a comprehensive learning experience for her AmeriCorps service members while actively contributing to community health initiatives.

      Insights from the Field

      Brother trying to sneak a peek of Sister's Go Fish pile at the Bar-B-Que. It's all fun and games!

      Lopez’s experience in the field offers valuable insights into the impact of AmeriCorps service. Her favorite aspects of the job reflect her dedication to both personal and professional growth.

      "My favorite part is seeing the moment when it clicks for my team. Recently, one of our Community Health Workers, Jasmine, helped a Spanish-speaking family with food insecurity. Seeing that positive impact is my favorite part," Lopez shares.

      The opportunity to innovate and create new programs within the AmeriCorps framework is another aspect Lopez finds rewarding. The flexibility to adapt and address evolving community needs is a key feature of her role, allowing her to drive meaningful change.

      Engaging with Families: Effective Strategies

      Kathleen helps a family find goodies at our Community Health Back-to-School BackPack giveaway and Bar-b-Que.


      Lopez’s approach to engaging with families is grounded in empathy and cultural sensitivity. Her strategies for effective interaction are designed to build trust and provide meaningful support:

      1. Let Families Set the Tone: Lopez emphasizes the importance of matching the energy of families. Whether they are upbeat or solemn, adapting to their emotional state helps in establishing a supportive connection.
      2. Embrace Silence: Creating space for families to reflect and process their thoughts is crucial. Silence allows families to make decisions and feel heard without pressure.
      3. Ask Open-Ended Questions: Open-ended questions encourage detailed responses, providing deeper insights into families' needs and concerns.
      4. Be Open to Learning: Understanding families' backgrounds and cultures fosters better communication. Active listening and cultural awareness are key components of effective engagement.
      5. Cultural Sensitivity: Respecting and accommodating cultural practices, such as those observed during Ramadan, ensures that support is both relevant and respectful.

        One memorable initiative, "Borough Bingo," exemplifies Lopez’s creative approach to team building. This activity helps AmeriCorps service members familiarize themselves with different neighborhoods, fostering team cohesion and enhancing their understanding of the communities they serve.

        The AmeriCorps Experience: Growth and Opportunity

        The AmeriCorps Program at RMH-NY offers a rich and diverse experience for individuals passionate about community service. The program is designed to provide both personal and professional growth opportunities, making it an ideal choice for those looking to make a difference.

        Program Structure and Benefits:

        1. Professional Growth: AmeriCorps offers a learning environment for individuals, even those without prior professional experience. The skills and knowledge gained through the program are valuable for future careers in public health and related fields.
        2. Flexible Hours: Volunteers are required to complete a minimum of 300 service hours. This flexibility allows participants to balance their service with other commitments.
        3. Exposure to Different Demographics: Service members work with diverse populations, gaining a broad range of experiences that enhance their understanding of various community needs.
        4. Career Exploration: The program provides an opportunity for individuals to explore different career paths, particularly in public health and community service.

          A Journey of Innovation and Dedication

          Lopez’s journey with AmeriCorps at RMH-NY reflects her dedication to both service and innovation. From navigating a steep learning curve in the early years to refining recruitment and program implementation, her experience highlights the importance of adaptability and perseverance.

          A Community Health family enjoying the 3rd floor terrace at the House


          Reflecting on her journey, Lopez acknowledges the challenges of creating the program from scrach and the lessons learned along the way. "The first two years were about learning and adjusting on the fly. Now, we're looking at ways to improve and involve more departments in the process," she notes.

          Her commitment to collaboration and creative problem-solving has been instrumental in the program’s growth and success. Lopez’s insights and experiences provide valuable lessons in leadership, empathy, and community service.

          A Call to Service: Join AmeriCorps at RMH-NY

          Kathleen, left, with three colleagues celebrating Ronald McDonald House New York's Annual Gala at Chelsea Piers.

          For those considering a year with AmeriCorps at RMH-NY, Lopez’s story serves as a compelling testament to the impact and growth that comes from such service. The program offers an opportunity to contribute to community health, gain professional experience, and explore career paths in public service.

          AmeriCorps at RMH-NY is more than just a volunteer program; it is a chance to be part of a mission-driven organization that makes a tangible difference in the lives of families. Whether you are a recent graduate, a retiree, or someone seeking a new direction, AmeriCorps provides a platform for meaningful engagement and personal development.

          Gulp. Gulp Gulp. Stay Hydrated especially when outside on hot days.  This little girl has the right idea.

          If you are driven by a passion for community service and eager to make a positive impact, consider joining the AmeriCorps Program at Ronald McDonald House New York. Your year of service could be the catalyst for both personal growth and positive change in the community.

          For more information on how to become an AmeriCorps member at RMH-NY, visit our website or reach out to our team. Join us in this rewarding journey and help us extend support to those who need it most.

          RMH-NY Community Health Team Members enjoy interacting with families at the Back to School Bar-B-Que.

          Kathleen Lopez’s leadership and the AmeriCorps Program’s contributions underscore the profound impact of dedicated service on community health and well-being. The journey of service is one of growth, innovation, and making a meaningful difference—qualities that define both the AmeriCorps experience and the ongoing mission of Ronald McDonald House New York.


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          Give to Ronald McDonald House New York and directly impact families in need.


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